Me and Chris People travelled to Dublin last weekend to attend the Shodoshi Kai (school for instructors).
In the evening we met up with black belts from across Europe for a meal. Then on Sunday morning, we starting our training.
Great opportunity for me and Chris to learn directly from our Chief instructor Brian McCarthy and get fresh input and direction.
We did not study set techniques but under the direction of “the boss” learnt to better understand the movements that are in between the techniques that create the opportunity we are looking for.
We covered so much in the day that my brain is still trying to process it in slow time now

Some of the topics covered below
The small movements between that allow the technique to flow
Exercises to develop continuous movement and footwork
Exposing yourself to pressure and fear
Dealing with the emotional side of conflict.
and so much more then I can describe here

My brain is slowly working through all the info gained and I am trying to own the material and not just to of seen It shown.

A totally fantastic weekend see you all in March

We have had a great days Training with the Big Boss!! We shall practice!

Great to be back in Dublin for the latest Shidoshi Kai, the Boss was in superb form and left us with loads to practice

I found some old training photos so I thought I’d post them here

Jim and Greg after a good old sparring session
Shidoshi Kai at the Liverpool Dojo, a few years ago now

We recently moved to a bigger room within our building so we now have much more space for our classes

It’s been a lot of hard work but together we’re proud of our new dojo